Winner of the SWICCOMAS prize 2024

Dr. Moritz Flaschel is the winner of the SWICCOMAS prize 2024 His thesis was selected as the Swiss-based candidate for the 2023 ECCOMAS PhD thesis award on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. For the thesis dissertation: « Automated Discovery of Material Models in Continuum Solid Mechanics » Supervised by Professor Laura De Lorenzis, ETH Zürich Abstract: The mathematical description of the mechanical behavior of solid materials at the continuum scale is one of the oldest and most challenging tasks in solid mechanics and material science. The process of finding adequate mathematical formulae to describe the material characteristics is
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SWICCOMAS 2024 GA and Poster Competition

The 2024 SWICCOMAS General Assembly was held at ETH Zürich on February 16th 2024. It included a Distinguished Open Seminar by Prof. Francisco Chinesta on the theme of Physics-Based and Data-Driven Advanced Numerical Technologies Enabling Physics-Informed Digital Twins. Recording available under this LINK. The event was concluded by a Student Poster competition & Apero. Winners of the Student Poster Competition: 1st Place Shashank Saxena Pushing Length and Time scales in Atomistics via statistically-averaged Coarse Graining  ETH Zurich 2nd Place Roxane Ferry Unveiling the influence of slip-weakening laws’ on rupture dynamics: beyond fracture energy in controlling rupture profiles  EPFL 2nd Place
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2022 ECCOMAS best doctoral thesis award

Dr. Alice Cortinovis, winner of the SWICCOMAS 2022 PhD thesis award, is one of the two winners of the ECCOMAS award for the best doctoral thesis in 2022. Alice wrote her thesis entitled Fast deterministic and randomized algorithms for low-rank approximation, matrix functions, and trace estimation under the supervision of Professor Daniel Kressner.
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ECCOMAS 2024 Congress

The ECCOMAS 2024 Congress will be held in Lisbon from 3rd to 7th June, 2024 Important Dates Call for abstracts: 18/09/2023 Deadline for abstract submission: 10/12/2023 Deadine for STS abstract submission: 15/01/2024 Notification of acceptance: 15/01/2024 Speaker registration & Early bird deadline: 18/03/2024 Deadline for full paper submission (not mandatory): 01/07/2024 Mini-Symposia organized with participation of SWICCOMAS members MS017 Phase Field Modeling and Computation, Organized by: M. ten Eikelder (TU Darmstadt, Germany), L. De Lorenzis (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), K. Garikipati (University of Michigan, United States), Y. Leng (Purdue University, United States), H. van Brummelen (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) and H. Gomez (Purdue University, United States) MS054 Advances in Computational Techniques for
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Winners of the SWICCOMAS prize 2023

The SWICCOMAS committee awarded two SWICCOMAS prizes in 2023, for the best Ph.D. thesis, conducted in 2022: Dr. Alice Cortinovis , with the thesis title « Fast deterministic and randomized algorithms for low-rank approximation, matrix functions, and trace estimation » Thesis director – Professor  Daniel Kressner, EPFL. Dr. Pier Giuseppe Ledda, with the thesis title « From coating flow patterns to porous body wake dynamics via multiscale models » Thesis director – Professor Francois Gallaire, EPFL. see Award page for abstracts
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2021 ECCOMAS best doctoral thesis award

Dr Erik Orvehed Hiltunen, winner of the SWICCOMAS 2021 PhD thesis award, is one of the two winners of the ECCOMAS award for the best doctoral thesis in 2021. Erik Orvehed Hiltunen wrote his thesis entitled Asymptotic analysis of high-​contrast subwavelength resonator structures under the supervision of Professor Habib Ammari. The award has been handed over in Oslo on June 6th, during the opening ceremony of the 2022 ECCOMAS Congress.
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Winners of the SWICCOMAS prize 2022

The SWICCOMAS committee awarded three SWICCOMAS prizes 2022, for the best Ph.D. thesis 2021: Dr. Erik O. Hiltunen, with the thesis title « Asymptotic analysis of high-contrast subwavelength resonator structures” Thesis director – Professor Habib Ammari, ETH Zürich. Dr. Mattia Cenedese, with the thesis title “A Geometric Approach to Nonlinear Mechanical Vibrations: from Analytic to Data-driven Methods” Thesis director – Professor George Haller, ETH Zürich. Dr. Adrien Laurent, with the thesis title “Algebraic Tools and Multiscale Methods for the Numerical Integration of Stochastic Evolutionary Problems” Thesis director – Professor Gilles Vilmart, Université de Genève. see Award page for abstracts
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Winners of the SWICCOMAS prize 2021

The SWICCOMAS award committee decided to split the SWICCOMAS prize 2021 between two nominees: Dr. Lucas Frérot, with the thesis title « Bridging scales in wear modeling with volume integral methods for elastic-plastic contact” Thesis director – Professor Jean-François Molinari and Dr. Guillaume Anciaux, EPFL and Dr. Tommaso Vanzan, with the thesis title “Domain decomposition methods for multiphysics problems” Thesis director – Professeur Martin J. Gander, UNIGE see Award page for abstracts
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